
Sylvia Glover is an associate attorney in the firm and concentrates her practice in the areas of environmental, land use, and municipal law. Prior to joining the firm, Ms. Glover practiced environmental, natural resource, agriculture, and administrative law. As a former Assistant Attorney General, Ms. Glover has represented the Utah Department of Natural Resources and the Maryland Department of the Environment. She has represented several state boards and Conservation Districts, advising clients on compliance and regulatory matters.

Ms. Glover has helped draft state laws and regulations for government agencies. She has also assisted in grant writing and program management of conservation easements.

Ms. Glover has represented the Attorney General's Office in administrative hearings and testified before legislative committees, most notably on the successful protection of the Utah Lake, which triggered a legislative analysis of the State's Public Trust Doctrine and found development of the lake unconstitutional.

Ms. Glover interned at the U.S. Office of the Solicitor, Department of the Interior, and was a fellow for the Center for Urban Environmental Reform at CUNY School of Law.


Utah, 2021
Maryland, 2023
New York, 2025


City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law, Long Island City, NY
J.D.  (Cum Laude)-2020
Steve and Jean Zorn Fellow

Hunter College, New York, NY
M.A. (Cum Laude)- 2016

Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
B.A. (Cum Laude)- 2014