In New York we are guided by federal and state lists of threatened and endangered species. A new feature offered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is a state-by-state map of the threatened and endangered species of the United States. By clicking on New York, you will find stories on featured species along with links to the national program, laws and regulations, grants, programs for kids and other information.
The site lists 19 federally-listed threatened and endangered species in New York, including the well known Shortnose Sturgeon, Karner Blue Butterfly, Indiana Bat, Bog Turtle, Piping Plover and Canada Lynx. Each species is linked to a species profile, including photographs, population, location, federal register documents, action plans, conservation plans, recovery status, critical habitat and other resources.
The federal and state lists of threatened and endangered species play a significant role in regulatory permitting throughout the state. This Fish & Wildlife map is a particularly useful service for applicants, agencies and citizens involved in permit proceedings.